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Save A Life, Come Work In Our Space

As we enter month six of the global pandemic, we know that with everyone working under the same roof, tensions can be high. We re-opened last month with the goal to create solutions for those struggling with the new normal by adding options for shareable and cost-friendly memberships, which you can find here. >>>

Now, you might be saying to yourself, “well, I’m already getting used to my routine at home, why would I pay to go work somewhere else?”

We thought you’d never ask.

Here are just two reasons that shed light on how our co-working memberships are investments that can save your relationships and eliminate added stress.

  1. It Actually Saves Money

    Let’s take a look at the expenses of working from home that you might have overlooked.

    Multiple people working under the same roof creates an immediate strain on internet capacity, a need for more trips to the store to keep the kitchen stocked (hello, coffee), lights being constantly used with the A/C continuously cranking, bills start to skyrocket. In addition, there’s the added cost of creating a home office (if you have space), office supplies, printing, etc. While yes, most companies provide reimbursement for a few of these necessities, it most likely doesn’t even scratch the surface of the additional expenses. When working at our space, these looked-over amenities are factored into your monthly membership.

    Pro tip: most companies and employers will pay for your co-working membership, especially if it saves them money in the long run, there’s never any hurt in asking!

    2. Our Atmosphere Is Unique

    We know. Every co-working company says that about their space but trust me, ours delivers. We have a creative vibe that encourages individuality so that you can be productive in your sweatpants in a judgment-free space. Members also have the added bonus of access to conference rooms that can use for your professional meetings, zoom calls, or business presentations.

    Our decor is music and artist-focused with local paintings, record collections, and brightly colored walls which is opposite from other local workspaces whose norm consists of white walls and a sterile vibe. Our team is small (literally 3 of us) making it the perfect atmosphere to network and collaborate within our tight-knit community. That trend has unfortunately faded with bigger co-working companies as they expand or open new locations, steering away from the core intent of co-working spaces. We’ve stuck to this essential value of wanting to connect people and it happens organically 98% of the time when you work in our space.

If you want to give InDo a try to see what we’re all about, click <here> and snag a free day pass OR better yet, if you’re sold and ready to get the hell out of the house (safely),

For more details contact John Richardson

John Richardson